Welcome back to my bi-weekly blog posts featuring practical tools to help you improve your personal effectiveness. As in the past, I introduce these tools in my weekly LinkedIn newsletter. Click on this link to read all the articles and, hopefully, subscribe to receive them automatically in your Inbox. There are also buttons below to download a PDF copy of this week’s tool and to sign up for my mailing list and receive my blog post automatically in your Inbox.
This week’s tool expands on a key point I made in my September 20th newsletter article: Growing Through Life’s Disruptions. Bruce Feiler, in his excellent book, Life is in the Transitions, presents a list of 52 life-changing events (the ‘Deck of Disruptors’) that he identified through his research and interviews for the book. I’d highly recommend the book, and the author’s website. There’s a link to the latter in the introduction to the attached tool.
Over the course of the Fall and Winter (with a break over the holiday season) I’ll explore a wide range of topics related to my three primary areas of focus: navigating life’s transitions, maximizing ‘Whole Life’ productivity, and authentic leadership. Please join me on this learning journey. Subscribe to my LinkedIn newsletter and sign up for this blog.