This is the third in a series of bi-weekly blog posts that include practical tools to help you improve your personal effectiveness. I typically introduce these tools in my weekly LinkedIn newsletter. Click on this link if you’d like to read the articles and, hopefully, subscribe to receive them automatically in your Inbox. There are also buttons below to download a PDF copy of this week’s tool and to sign up for our mailing list and receive my blog post automatically as well.
This week’s tool is mentioned in my July 5th newsletter article: Authentic Leadership: Balancing Doing & Being. In the article I share a seven layer model of authentic leadership developed by my colleague and close friend, Jim Galvin, and I. This tool will help you assess the degree to which your leadership embodies each of the seven levels. And please note that the tool isn’t just for individuals employed in a leadership role. Based on our research, experience, and numerous conversations, we believe that leadership is for everyone. That’s because it’s basically a choice to be a person of positive influence for others… everyone can make that choice, regardless of employment or life circumstances.